Design Process
Design Process A & D BUILDERS.


Glass house by AnD Builders in San Jose

     We begin by listening. Your project takes shape with a facility design leading to a detailed estimate. A comprehensive proposal letter integrates the information from the design and estimate. Contract or lease agreements are attached to the proposal. You get the complete package with no surprises. Then we build it, on time and on budget.

New Construction
Why Choose a Design-Build Contractor?


     Our in-house services mean we are the single source of your project at all times, keeping construction on schedule (and many times ahead of schedule) and on budget!
We work only with a select group of subcontractors to get the job done. We see that the job is done right the first time by using subcontractors that understand A&D BUILDERS' commitment to quality and service.
Proposed new construction

     A&D BUILDERS provides extensive capabilities from designers, construction managers, site planners, and craftsmen to construct a building that meets your expectations.
     Our range of contracting services takes you from the ground up including site selection, obtaining permits, soil investigation, site development and preparation, foundations, everything right through to the final landscaping.
     Although our history reflects many successful "plan & spec" projects, where a bid is provided from a customer's supplied set of plans, our real expertise lies in a design team comprised of the owner, architect, engineer, and ourselves. The team is constantly in sync on your project evaluating alternatives. This approach assures budget control and value.


     When timing is especially critical, we can FAST-TRACK your project to meet crucial deadlines. This involves applying for grading permits while working drawings are being finalized and pouring foundations while decisions are being made about the building's interior. Our project management and field supervision personnel meet on every project a minimum of once a week along with daily monitoring of your project with the original Design-Build team member.
     A&D BUILDERS constantly strives to identify and eliminate problems before they occur.
     A & D BUILDERS’ availability during all stages of the project is another example of our commitment to building a successful building project in every way possible.

Design Build Services

Feasibility Studies and Planning

      In the feasibility Study / Planning phase A & D BUILDERS’ experience with both design and construction keep us knowledgeable in the following areas:

Master Planning

  • What do you really need (land and building)?
  • How can you best use the property / facility you have?
  • Where should you locate?
  • When to start the process?

Building Requirements Planning

  • How would the space be used?
  • How much space should the intended space have?
  • What special requirements are needed in the building?

Local Requirements Verification

  • How much of my property can I build on?
  • Where on my property can I locate the new building?
  • What special rule/ordinance does my property falls into?
  • Are there any specific materials I have to use (brick, stone, glass, stucco)?
  • How long will it take to get started on construction?
  • Is there any special drainage compliance I should be aware of?

Funding Sources / Options

  • All costs paid from owner’s operating capital.
  • We get paid per percentage of completion basis.

House addition
Services: Design-Build

In the design build construction approach, the owner contracts with A&D BUILDERS to provide both design and construction services. It is often called a TURNKEY contract.

Your benefits are:

  • Single Source Responsibility.
  • "In-House” design and Construction Coordination.
  • Construction budgeting throughout the entire process.
  • One Stop Shop for Site Design, Architectural Design, Structural / Mechanical / Electrical & Plumbing Consultants.

Here is a good example of a phase-by-phase service proposal to an owner proposed by a top professional design/build team and their consultants.

PHASE I – Preliminary Feasibility
  • Market study
  • Economic analysis
  • Pro Forma
  • Budget limitations
  • Availability of financing

PHASE II – Facility Investigation and Development
  • Existing facility study
  • New facility and land needs
  • Overall site analysis
  • Building and fire zoning
  • Building codes and ordinances
  • Traffic ingress/egress study
  • Utilities availability and cost
  • Review feasibility budget

PHASE III – Preliminary Design
  • Review of design checklists
  • Land survey
  • Soil borings
  • Site development and land use study
  • Floor plan study and sketches
  • Elevation study and sketches
  • Design concept studies
  • Structural studies
  • Foundation studies
  • Mechanical systems studies
  • Electrical studies
  • Life cycle cost analysis
  • Maximum value recommendations
  • Optional Artist’s preliminary rendering
  • Establish schematic budget

PHASE IV – Design Development and Construction Documents
  • Site development and plot plan
  • Floor plans and schedules
  • Elevations and architectural details
  • Structural plans and calculations
  • Mechanical plans and schedules
  • Electrical plans and schedule
  • Technical specifications
  • Complete finish and decorating schedule
  • Landscaping plan
  • Artist’s rendering
  • Confirmation of construction budget

PHASE V – Construction
  • Build it
  • Inspect and test critical items
  • Negotiate changes as required
  • Prepare and document for final acceptance
  • Clean up
  • Assist with equipment and system start up

PHASE VI – After the Move
  • Evaluation and recommendations
  • Service problems and warranties
  • Perform continuing consultation

Cherry floors interior finish carpentry

-Early cost input from the contractor. As part of the design process
-A GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE can be determined early.
-High cost change orders are eliminated.
-Architectural and engineering fees are kept to a minimum, and determined from the beginning.
-All Architectural fees are credited back to you.
-Construction costs are minimized by using the latest systems and methods that the contractor KNOWS are cost effective.
-Chances for misunderstandings are minimized with the team approach.
-You participate in the design process and this cooperation of ideas, processes, and team spirit develop a trust in the intent of the design as well as in the reliability of A&D BUILDERS.
-Our design build process provide you with the inside knowledge required to anticipate, and therefore to find a solution early on before the construction starts.
The work gets scheduled using realistic milestones